Primeiro teste e o fim-de-semana
Como ja disse no Fotolog, tive um teste na sexta e fui bem. A professora fez uma coisa que chama "aconselhamento", quando ela conversa separadamente com cada aluno, avalia cada ponto, pergunta que que o aluno esta achando, o que esta dificil, etc.
Ela falou coisas boas, em geral, me deixou bem satisfeito. Na hora de dizer que fazia no PSA deparei com a verdade: tenho que usar menos a internet! Quem sabe o Clube de Conversacoes!
Ela eh uma otima professora, muito auto-confiante e desembaracada. Rimos o tempo todo na aula. E eh bem autoritaria, o que pra mim eh otimo.
No sabado comecei meio sem muito o que fazer mas fui a South Bank (parque com uma praia artificial(!)) pegar um sol. A noite sai com Jonno, meu "irmao" e fomos jogar basquete! Foi super legal! Pq ele tem esse amigo, e o amigo do amigo dele, Tod e Eathen respectivamente, eles sao otimos no jogo. Entao ganhamos, ainda que fossemos 4 contra 5! Mas fiquei com a faringe doiiida. Acho que eh a faringe. Ar muito seco, acho que eh por isso. Mas quando terminamos, ficou tudo bem.
E as minhas pernas estao doidas. Mas eh bom fazer uns esportes. Depois fomos pra casa do Tod, ou, pros amantes de chocolate, Toddy. Ele parece o Adriano primo do Martins mas loro. Jogamos sinuca, que em ingles tem o memso nome de piscina - Pool. Ele tambem eh otimo no jogo e como era a minha dupla, ganhava sempre! He!
Hoje nao fiz nada demais. Vi uma reportagem sobre a morte do Tele Santana, o que me deixou muito feliz. Porque mostrou BH na TV!!! Nao pela morte dele, sei la quem era ele.
Eh isso. Nao sabia que posts em ingles davam tanto ibope (zero comments). Vou evita-los.
Pensamento Gritado às 4:41:46 AM por VIDIGAL
Guess what - PSA time!
I can only use english. So I hope you understand me.
Today we're finally having a barbecue in South Bank! It be will for sure great! And in a little more than one week I'll not need a tutor anymore! That's right, I'm having to meet a person who's supposed to take car of me. It's a law in Australia. She's lucky to have me as a student because I really don'y demand anything.
I'm about to open my first bank account at ANZ Bank. What that means?! Would that be Australian New Zealand Bank?! If I discover I tell you. In eight days I'll also aply for a working permission!
Yesterday I went to a store which I thought it was a Supermarket. There I bought CupNoodles and chocolates! But there wasn't a supermarket at all. It's like a Lojas Americanas. The place where you could buy some food like candies and ready food was actualy the whole food you could buy. So I got some hints from other brazilians of places to go. I discovered that you can buy a special kind of product that is always cheaper - it's called the Home Brand. It's like the brand from the supermarket. A classmate from Americana-SP bought one kilo of ham in the first week, and even though it's been 2 months she's here, she still has a lot of it.
But the Cup Noodles are a good option if you want to save some money. All the places here you can't have lunch for less then five dollars, and it's good to have a cheaper option. The noodles cost me only one dollar so I can even give me some chocolates!
I know it's not THAT interesting but what can I do?! At PSA time I don't have much interesting thnigs to do.
My classmate from New Caledonia has just inveted me for a goodbye party next tuesday, so I'm only free in one week. You can try to "marcar um horario" with me. But hurry up!
I have just received my "Book Review" and I'm soooo proud of myself (in a good way! happy with my results). Look what was written abou it:
Excellent review! Your language and use of words is so mature it's hard to imagine you're learning English! Just a few things to check...
I wrote about 1984, a book that I love so it was easy to talk about it. Even also because when I read it I was so excited abou it that I even made some reserches about its history and was completly facinated about everything in it. Look at these strong words of the Party's slogan, which I used as an epigraph:
War is Peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
If you've been reading my Blog for a long time, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If don't, just look at here: Sexta-feira, Abril 15, 2005. It's something from the last year in one time that I could still dedicate myself into other literature then the Vestibular's one!
Now I'll buy the things for barbecue, bye!
Pensamento Gritado às 1:57:51 AM por VIDIGAL
Novo Fotolog!
Pensamento Gritado às 2:46:04 AM por VIDIGAL
Primeiro dia na ESCOLA!!! OHH FINALLLY!!!!!!
Teste para saber meu n'ivel. Previsivelmente uma das questoes era para fazer um texto sobre as coisas que eu gosto de fazer no Brasil. Escrevi umas bobagens, algumas coisas certas, etc... Depois estava pensando em algum esporte pra por, algum que eu realmente praticasse. Da'i escrevi:
And I also like to play 'capoeira' (a typical game-fight-dance (I don't know exactly the definiton)).
(E eu tambem gosto de jogar capoeira (um tipico jogo-luta-danca (nao sei a definicao exata))
Acho que a palavra "definition" nao existe.
Entrei no Orkut e constatei felizmente que passei dos 1000 scraps. Claro que nao 'e exatamente um garnde feito (especialmente por haver pessoas mais sociaveis com 3000 scraps), mas era uma coisa legal. De repente, constato outra coisas: todos novos scraps sao an'uncios pra prova da Gincana (alias prova muito genial). Acho que o Brasil inteiro vai ficar sabendo dessa gincana. Ainda mais quando eu ouco a provavel projecao estatistica de que cada pessoa esta ligada indiretamente com qualquer outra no mundo atraves de no maximo 6 pessoas. Isso eh muito legal de pensar.
Durante o teste o professor chamava os alunos l'a fora para "have some conversationg". As very wide expression, I thought it could be for him to know how is our english like. Apperently, though, it was only for him to get some informations. Na ja. Well, so as he was asking some technical thing like: Why in EARTH did you choose Australia, and Brisbane, and etc.
So, beacause I didn't wanted to look like an ilegal desperated imigrant, and also because I wanted to show him exactly how is my english like, I dind't say simply: I choose OZ because here I can work. Acctualy, the work thing is trully more because of the experience and the thing to do, because I probably won't be rich in here. That's what I said, then.
Test results: in the General English course, from 100 to 600 levels, I'm in the.....
600 level!! YESSS!! Thanks God!
But now I have to go... finally I'm not "atoa" anymore!! Vive L'école!
Pensamento Gritado às 9:41:35 PM por VIDIGAL
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